38. Persons concerned in criminal act may be guilty of different offences 39. "Voluntarily" 40. "Offence" 41. "Special law" 42. "Local Law" 43. "Illegal """Legally bound to do" 44. "Injury" 45. "Life46- "Death" 47. "Animal" 48. "Vessel" 49. "Year"; "Month" 50- "Section" 51. "Oath" 52. "Good faith" 52-A. "Harbour" CHAPTER III OF PUNISHMENTS 53. Punishments 54. Commutation of sentence of death 55. Commutation of sentence of imprisonment for life 55-A.Saving for President prerogative 56. Sentence of Europeans and Americans to penal servitude 57. Fractions of terms of punishment 58. Offenders sentenced to transportation how dealt with until, transported

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