About Justice Project Pakistan
Justice Project Pakistan is a legal action charity that provides pro bono legal representation to the
most vulnerable prisoners facing the harshest punishments in Pakistan. Our clients include those
facing the death penalty, the mentally ill, victims of police torture and detainees in the “war on
terror”. Justice Project Pakistan was established in December 2009 and is based in Lahore, Pakistan.
Justice Project Pakistan’s vision is to employ strategic litigation to set legal precedents that reform
the criminal justice system in Pakistan. We litigate innovatively, pursuing cases on behalf of
individual clients that hold the potential to set precedents that allow those in similar conditions to
better enforce their legal and human rights. We model a more equitable legal practice, inspiring and
training a new generation of Pakistani lawyers to litigate strategically and challenge unjust laws and
inhumane conditions.
This report was written by Omran Belhadi, Casework Lawyer at Justice Project Pakistan.
It was edited by Sarah Belal, Director of Justice Project Pakistan, and Isabel Buchanan, Casework
Lawyer at Justice Project Pakistan. Drafting and research assistance was provided by Reema Omer
and Sarah Nasrullah.
Justice Project Pakistan would like to thank the ex-detainees and family members of current
detainees who shared their pain and spoke with us about their experiences. We are also grateful to
the numerous government officials who shared their knowledge and expertise. Justice Project
Pakistan would also like to thank Asim Rafiqui for preparing portraits and audio testimony of family
members of current detainees, documenting their hardships and suffering. All photographs
displayed in this report are the product of Mr. Rafiqui’s efforts. His work is available at