Mushtaq Ahmed
Prisoner- Year
- 2017
- Gender
- Male
- Current Status
- Executed
- Jail
Latitude: 30.234919911409303
Longitude: 70.5105505085266
- Jail (linked Prisoner )
- Unknown
- City / Province
- Unreported: Unknown
- Date of Execution
- May 11, 2017
- Type of Court
- Military Court
- Detailed Information
Mushtaq Ahmed was an active member of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). He was involved in attacking Saidu Sharif Airport, killing employees of Metrological Department and destruction of an educational institution which resulted in death of civilians and injuries to soldiers. He was also in possession of fire-arms and explosives.
- Source
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Date added
1 relationships, 1 entities