M.Yaqoob s/o Raja Muhammad
Prisoner- Year
- 2016
- Gender
- Male
- Current Status
- Executed
- Jail
Latitude: 33.130883
Longitude: 73.750257
- Jail (linked Prisoner )
- Central Jail Mirpur
- City / Province
- Azad Jammu and Kashmir: Mirpur
- Date of Sentencing
- May 23, 2007
- Date of Execution
- Jul 31, 2016
- Time Spent on Death Row
- 9
- Type of Court
- District and Sessions Court
- Detailed Information
He was awarded death sentence by the District and Session Judge Kotli on May 23, 2007 on the charges of killing Muhammad Javed
- Source
sorted by
Date added
1 relationships, 1 entities