Gul Muhammad
Prisoner- Year
- 2015
- Number
- 93
- Gender
- Male
- Current Status
- Executed
- Jail
Latitude: 32.0726605
Longitude: 72.6637324
- Jail (linked Prisoner )
- District Jail, Sargodha
- City / Province
- Punjab: Sargodha
- Motive & Cause of the alleged crime
- Personal enmity
- Date of Execution
- Apr 23, 2015
- Type of Court
- District and Sessions Court
- Detailed Information
Gul Muhammad was sent to the gallows for murdering his brother-in-law Shahbaz in Khushab District in 1999 over personal disputes. the convict was sentenced to death in 2000 by Additional Sessions Judge Manzoor Hussain in Khushab.
- Source
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Date added
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