محمد اخلاق
قیدی- سال
- 2015
- نمبر
- 240
- جنس
- Male
- درجہ/کیفیت
- Executed
- جیل
Latitude: 31.431688
Longitude: 73.074786
- جیل (linked قیدی)
- District Jail Faisalabad
- شہر/صوبہ
- پنجاب: Faisalabad
- پھانسی کی تاریخ
- 1 اکتوبر 2015
- عدالت
- Anti-Terrorism Court
- مزید معلومات
He had gunned down their cousins, Tariq Jawed and Zafar Iqbal, in court where they were attending court proceedings.ATC had sentenced them to death on four counts and had fined them
- ماخذ
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Date added
1 relationships, 1 entities